Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Best music ever

So I started this blog to have some of my favorite music available for me to listen to at work because I was constantly forgetting my ipod. And if anyone else out there happens upon these playlists and has the same taste in music, then feel free to enjoy. I'm also very open to suggestions. If, based on the music I have on here, you have any artists you think I would like and would like to see them added to one of the playlists, by all means let me know. My favorite mix is the Mellow Music list. It contains artists like Feist, Damien Rice, Regina Spektor, Matt Costa, Ingrid Michaelson, Elliott Smith, The Beatles, and more. So let me know what you think.

1 comment:

Brian and Wendy said...

I have to admitt, I do like your mellow jams playlist. Thanks for sharing.